What an amazing event… It’s always great to play in ANY of Coach DJ’s events… DJ is the best & I LOVE his mom! We had a battle against Glenville, back and forth… we were up by 2 with 5 seconds left and they called time-out. Coach made it clear “if the big girl gets the ball either foul her before she can shot or don’t touch her!!!” The worst we could do is go OT! Well of course their big girl gets the ball and we wait til she shoots and then foul her for no reason as she make a bunny!!! Of course she hits the layup and then makes the and-one FT and we lose! We did the exact opposite of what we were told 5 seconds earlier… I HATE LOSING! I thought my dad would go nuts, but he didn’t… he told us we played a great game. In the car on the drive home, he did say, “next time I’m putting you on the key player in that type of situation, I know you will do what I say & it doesn’t matter how big the girl is… we should have never lost that game!”
Our next game we lose to a team we would have beaten by 25 a week earlier! WHY? Because we didn’t play as a TEAM! We played so selfish and argued between ourselves during the game. It was embarrassing!
The last game of 2011, I wasn’t going to lose! But God knows we sure tried to lose… Coach said before the game that if we play another selfish game “Starter will ride the bench!” Some of the girls didn’t follow the rules and 3 minutes into the game, we all got benched! He made us watch as we fell behind by over 20 points!!! He said “you can all thank yourselves for this, because it’s 100% YOUR fault!” He then said, “let me know when you’ve embarrassed yourselves enough and want to PLAY BASKETBALL as a TEAM”. It was torture watching us get pounded! Finally he let us back in the 2nd quarter. We immediately went on a 20 to 0 run… at one point, we were shooting a free throw and I heard their coach tell his assistant “I don’t know what else to do!”… it was kinda funny! We went on to an easy win and were all benched half way through the 4thquarter, but this time it was for the “right reason”, to get everybody some good floor minutes… WHAT A LESSON!!!